Jan 15, 2024
Retrofitting of 2 Flexo Presses at Cambridge Label
A follow-up interview with the President and Plant Manager of Cambridge Label 2 months after retrofitting 2 large flexo presses in Nov 2023.
They cover the decision process for choosing SST LED as well as the installation, service and support, ink transition to LED curable, reducing carbon emissions by 150 tons per year, and the 40,000 foot facilities overall energy bill reducing by 10% by retrofitting only 2 of 10 printing equipment. Many other benefits are brought to light as well.
- 1. Chilling systems for the substrates are no longer needed due to lack of heat from SST LED
- 2. Reduction of 150 tons of carbon emissions per year
- 3. Press productivity increased due to: Faster cure speeds than with UV 12 hours less maintenance hours per month
- 4. HVAC load reduced by 35% due to elimination of exhaust systems
- 5. Energy to run the 2 presses, exhaust and HVAC reduced by 90% resulted in a 10% reduction on energy demand for the entire facility
- 6. Retrofit time for each press was only 7 – 8 hours